Will Conable

Owner and Lead Guide

Hi, I’m Will and I like to fly fish. A lot. I probably fish more than my dog and wife prefer but not nearly as much as I would like. Truth be told, I’ll fish for anything—from trout to steelhead to largemouth bass to surf perch to bluegill to crappie. I fish for all these things with a fly rod because I think it is the most fun way to catch fish, and I think, given the chance, you’ll like it too!

I grew up in Virginia, joined the Coast Guard right after high school, moved out west, decided I liked the Left Coast, and stuck around. After the military, I went to college. I earned my undergraduate degree from Saint Mary’s College of California. I then went to graduate school at the University of Oregon where I earned my PhD in American Literature with a focus on Literature and the Environment. Upon finishing those degrees, I quickly filed them away in my hall closet behind my winter steelhead fishing gear. Maybe I’ll get around to hanging them on the wall, someday.

Having done the military and college, I am now a proud member of the McKenzie River Guides Association as well as the owner and lead guide for Willamette Valley Fishing Guides. I split my time between guiding, teaching people how to cast fly rods, reading, writing, advocating for rivers and fish, and serving as an emotional support human for my dog, Charlie.

Thanks for stopping by the website, I hope you booked a trip, and even if you didn’t I wish you the best of luck on your next fishing adventure!

Fisherman in waders holds a large fish by a riverbank, wearing a green cap and sunglasses; lush greenery is visible in the background.